142: You know what you want

Cosmic Background Radiation, Lenard Bernstein, Angela Davis, IBM Control Programs, Malcom X, DIY synth construction, 1968, James Baldwin and a remix of suite IV Jupiter, from The Planets, Op.32, by Gustav Holst.

The seven suites of Holst’s The Planets were first played together in September of 1918, during a worldwide pandemic. You know what you want, is the first in a series of audio collages that look back at the past 102 years, exploring the parallels and contradictions between science and culture.

135: Small Things

As the world slides sideways, episode 135 of the podcast focuses on a collage of closeup and foley recordings, with occasional accompaniment by computer synthesized contrabass and tuba. The recordings include: opening a can of seltzer, pouring water, semi-rhythmic rubbing and tapping glass and cardboard, opening kitchen cabinet doors, futzing with a tape measure and cordless drill.