069: Harmony of the Worlds

20170110_175628This week on the program – Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, the mysteries of time and space, game design, emotional development – listening to different ways of modeling the universe and Disco!

stopGOstop presents an audio collage entitled Harmony of the Worlds.

Check out these other episodes

039: I had an epiphany…

036: What is Keeping You Awake Right Now

026: The Omega Banker


068: Reading, walking, pizza/EDM, walking

20160616_124523A binaural field recording from this past June in Amsterdam… the recording begins sitting in a plaza near the Athenaeum book store reading Children of Time, a fantastic evolutionary scifi book I purchased earlier that day. I then walked for a while until eventually I got hungry and I ordered a slice of New York Style Pizza… I ate the slice to EDM. The remainder of the recording is of wandering my way back the plaza near the bookstore. 

067: No one has the answers, but everyone has the answers


This week on the program – listening to the the science of glacier change, Greenland, a lecture on Truman’s choice, a hypothetical nuclear attack, accompanied by digital signal processing – stopGOstop presents an audio collage entitled No one has the answer, but everyone has the answer.