181: Growth (Immeasurable Episode 3)

Episode 181, Growth, is an experimental fiction featuring the history of the bus, the art of Gilles Aillaud, the influences of walking with Charles Dickens, and much, much more!

This is the third episode in the Immeasurable podcast mini-series.

Immeasurable is a loosely connected series of episodes that weaves together eclectic narratives—ranging from a subjective history of buses to a serene listing of trees found in Chicago and even the curious banter of Zoom calls. Each episode is an amalgamation of stories, ideas, and voices, creating a tapestry that can be experienced in order or shuffled for a new perspective each time.

Written and produced by John Wanzel, Immeasurable is brought to life by the newest Automata, a state-of-the-art text-to-voice generator.